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4 Types of Videos to Use on B2B Websites

Jenna Sherrick, Digital Marketing Support Specialist

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A man holds up a camera to shoot video for a B2B website category page

4 Types of Videos to Use on B2B Websites

This is the second blog post of a short series about what types of videos are most effective to use in different areas of a website. In the first post, we discussed how websites are built on a hierarchy and which videos are best suited to use on the homepage for B2Bs. Now it’s time to talk about using videos on your website category pages.

What is a Category Page on a Website?

Category pages are going to be one level deep in the website and are typically found directly in the main navigation. For example, when you are looking at the Ecreative website, you will notice the main navigation is the bar that lists, website development, digital marking, web solutions, and so on. These are examples of category pages. See in the below image.
A screenshot of the Ecreative home page
The purpose of category pages is to group services or products together into similar subjects. This makes it easier for users to navigate a website and find what they are looking for while having a good user experience.

4 Types of Videos for B2B Website Main Category Pages

1. Videos that Help with the Product Selection Process

While writing content for a category page, one of my main goals is to help point users where they need to go to next. For instance, with categories that have similar products, you need to differentiate the products to help users know what works best for their application. So why not use a video? Explain and show users what to consider when choosing between the products or services. Then give them their next click.

2. Tutorial Videos

Tutorials are simply “how- to videos.” This is not a place to show a tutorial on how a single product works because you would be excluding the other products on the page—unless, that is, you want to call special attention to the product. Tutorials can be used on category pages to show how multiple products or services work together. Use these videos as an opportunity to highlight products and services that users might not know they need. Upselling is never a bad thing!

3. Videos that tell a Story

Storytelling videos use a combination of education and entertainment to capture a user’s attention. When working on the content for a category page, it is important to remember that you want to speak to all the products and services on the page without getting too specific. Storytelling videos are a creative way to engage users while passing along critical information about your services and products.

4. Customer Testimonial Videos

Customer testimonials are a type of video that could potentially be placed all over the website for different reasons.  Testimonials are best suited for a category page if someone is reviewing or going over a product line or comparing products that relate to one another! These videos are effective because they humanize content.

Learn More About How Videos Can Benefit Your B2B Website

If you have any questions about videos and your industrial digital marketing needs, contact us today to learn how our Digital Marketing Team can help you get your main category pages performing better in search results.

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