Buyer’s Journey + B2B Content Marketing
Katie Anderson,
Digital Marketing Specialist

Buyer’s Journey + B2B Content Marketing
As a consumer, buying things seems like second nature to me. If I am on a retailer’s website and I see something I want, I buy it. There isn’t a lot of thought put into it. This mindset changes when making larger purchases like buying a new car. I like researching different makes and models, knowing what trim I want before going to a dealership. When I go in for a test drive, I don’t need or want a salesperson to educate me on the vehicle. I want to test drive the vehicle and make my final decision relatively quickly. Any attempt at trying to upsell me a different model or trim and I have no problem walking away.
While my example reflects a B2C buyer’s journey, the B2B journey can include a multi-layered process as there is usually more than one stakeholder making decisions. In very basic terms, a buyer’s journey is the process that one goes through before making a purchase. As a simplified process, it includes three stages: awareness, consideration, and decision.
Ideally, a website should have content that speaks to different stakeholders (personas) at different stages of the journey. Having strategically targeted content can increase the likelihood of converting prospective buyers to actual customers. As we walk through an example of a B2B buyer’s journey, the importance of the buyer’s journey and content strategy should become increasingly clear.
Chris begins researching plastic extrusion options, looking for information to help bolster his final decision. He relays his findings to Mark, the purchasing buyer, and Peter, the CEO. Both Chris and Mark make up part of the decision-making unit along with the CEO for Company A. Content at this stage should include things like eBooks, white papers, and educational content.
It may sound like a cliché.However, understanding who you need to connect with, what they are looking for (essentially speaking their language), and where they are at in the buyer’s journey can enable you to connect with buyers in a meaningful, strategic way. Your website content shouldn’t be just about selling your products or services to potential buyers; it should also include connecting to your target audience through the content on your website.
Contact Ecreativeworks to discuss content marketing strategies to ensure you are reaching the right audience at every stage of the buyer’s journey.
While my example reflects a B2C buyer’s journey, the B2B journey can include a multi-layered process as there is usually more than one stakeholder making decisions. In very basic terms, a buyer’s journey is the process that one goes through before making a purchase. As a simplified process, it includes three stages: awareness, consideration, and decision.
Ideally, a website should have content that speaks to different stakeholders (personas) at different stages of the journey. Having strategically targeted content can increase the likelihood of converting prospective buyers to actual customers. As we walk through an example of a B2B buyer’s journey, the importance of the buyer’s journey and content strategy should become increasingly clear.
Creating Content for the Buyer’s Journey

In the awareness stage, the buyer knows they have a problem. Let’s say Chris is an engineer for Company A who needs custom plastic extrusions. His old vendor retired, leaving him to find a new one. Chris laments this because he had a good rapport built with his previous vendor and dreads having to find a new one. At this stage, he is looking for a vendor that can supply both stock and custom extrusions.Chris begins researching plastic extrusion options, looking for information to help bolster his final decision. He relays his findings to Mark, the purchasing buyer, and Peter, the CEO. Both Chris and Mark make up part of the decision-making unit along with the CEO for Company A. Content at this stage should include things like eBooks, white papers, and educational content.
In the consideration stage, Chris and Mark will start to narrow down different vendors. Their problem has been defined (finding a long-term vendor that carries both stock and custom extrusions). It is at this stage that they start contacting vendors, comparing product features and benefits of each one. They are still researching at this stage, so content like expert guides, podcasts, or videos become increasingly more important.Decision
In the decision stage, the buyer has defined the solution to their problem. Chris, Mark, and Peter are now ready to make their vendor decision. They will continue to research, looking at product comparisons and case studies to help them make the best decision for Company A. Content at this stage should reflect solutions to potential buyer problems, ensuring the buyer that they are making the right decision choosing your company.Why Understanding the Buyer’s Journey Matters
With the B2B decision-making process including more than one stakeholder, understanding the buyer’s journey is essential for businesses to connect to the right person, with the right message, at the right time.It may sound like a cliché.However, understanding who you need to connect with, what they are looking for (essentially speaking their language), and where they are at in the buyer’s journey can enable you to connect with buyers in a meaningful, strategic way. Your website content shouldn’t be just about selling your products or services to potential buyers; it should also include connecting to your target audience through the content on your website.
Contact Ecreativeworks to discuss content marketing strategies to ensure you are reaching the right audience at every stage of the buyer’s journey.