Carson Patton
Digital Marketing Specialist

The content of your website is not set it and forget it. If you want to show up in some of the top search results, you...
Visual content like images, videos and infographics are really important for online marketing of all types. That means you, Industrial B2Bs.
If an engaging website is your goal, properly optimized images are an essential ingredient to making your goal a...
Google Tag Manager allows you to track tons of events and actions on a website. Tracking a user’s scroll behavior is a great place to start.
If you’re looking to make the most of your Google My Business listing, consider these optimizations to make it easier...
Google My Business is a free business listing for all types of business owners. Read more on key optimizations to make for your GMB profile.
A lot of professionals in the Industrial B2B space have Bing as their default browser. Create a free company listing on...