Google Analytics 4: What It Means for Your Business and Website
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Google Analytics 4: What It Means for Your Business and Website
Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is a trending topic right now in the marketing world. You may have some questions about what this update means for you and your business. I spoke with Jenna Sherrick, Senior Digital Marketing Specialist, and Trace La Du, Ecreative’s chief GA4 researcher, to get their take on the Google Analytics 4 upgrade and when they think this will be ready for your website.
What is Google Analytics 4?
Google implements hundreds of updates every year. Some of these are minor or hardly noticed, other times these changes impact how digital marketing professionals gather and review data and generate leads.
Google Analytics 4 is Google’s newest version of their analytics service. This update from Universal Analytics (or Google Analytics 3 - the current version) comes with new reporting features, and GA4 intends to provide more insight and details into how users interact with your website. Google Analytics 4 will also have the functionality to track a website as well as an app using the same account.
Do I Need Google Analytics 4? Does GA4 Impact Me?
Short answer: yes.
Many people like seeing year over year data. The current platform will be retired on July 1, 2023. You will want to make sure that you’ve set up GA4 and are tracking as soon as possible to prepare.
(Source: Google Support, Google Blog)
What is New and What is Changing with Google Analytics 4?
GA4 changes how user privacy is tracked
“Google has reduced how much information we can get on any specific user in Google Analytics 4,” explains Trace. “It will now be an incorporation of machine learning to fill eventual data gaps. While this data is generally accurate, it may be displayed differently than your current UA.”In short, the user information will still be accurate, but it may be less pinpointed to better protect user privacy in compliance with current data collection regulations.
Renewed and improved multiplatform tracking with GA4
If you have an app or multiple websites, you can track those across devices with Google Analytics 4. This enhanced data will help B2B industrial businesses connect to their intended audience and specifically tie platforms together, painting a better picture of your digital presence and how people are being exposed to your company.GA4 offers enhanced customer journey tracking
According to the experts, it’s going to take some time to really figure out how this improved customer journey tracking will play out in order to make your website more successful. There’s definitely opportunity here, which could lead to increased conversions, meeting more goals, and even enhancing your customer’s digital experience.“The idea behind GA4 is that it allows us to better understand where revenue is coming from and where we’re missing opportunities to generate more revenue for our clients,” says Trace. “We’re able to see what people are interested in and where are we missing out on them.”
Change to default vs. customized reports in GA4
Your default reports will look and be laid out differently in GA4, but don’t worry—all the necessary data is still included.“The new reports in GA4 are extremely open ended. You are basically building them from scratch. This is both good and bad because if you can figure out GA4, you can look at different metrics and paths a lot more specifically and with more detail,” explains Trace. “However, if you don’t know what a ‘dimension’ is for example, you could be stuck at square one for a long time.”
Trace emphasizes the importance of working with an expert during this transition to keep you from wasting time, resources, and money as you set up reports and track your goals.
Should I Switch My Reporting to Google Analytics 4 Right Now?
Yes, if you have SEO experience or work with a digital marketing agency, feel free to get the new GA4 property set up correctly and tracking data now.At Ecreative, we can help you prepare for this change, and we’re staying on top of this newest tool from Google. We’re here to support industrial B2B businesses in the evolving digital landscape. When you work with one of our digital marketing or SEO specialists, we can get you set up for success. Rely on the experts to install Google Analytics 4 and help you start tracking data now, so you are ready for the transition coming July 2023.
Update Your Website Analytics to GA4 Now
Still unsure how to manage GA4 for your business? No problem. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay on top of current google analytics updates and trends in digital marketing. Google Analytics 4 is being set up on all sites currently under an Ecreative digital marketing or SEO program. Please contact us today to learn more about the GA4 changeover and how we can help.YES. Help me upgrade to Google Analytics 4