What Your About Us Page is Actually Saying
Ally Bumgardner,

What Your About Us Page is Actually Saying
What Your B2B About Us Page is Actually Saying
Think about first impressions. Do they typically dictate how you feel about someone for the rest of time? If you had the opportunity to make a better first impression, wouldn’t you take it?Your website is the first impression most people get of your company. If they are considering becoming a customer or potentially working for you, they want to get an idea of who you are and what you do. This is where the About Us page comes in.
The About Us page is one of the most visited pages on most websites. This means that it’s important to think about what content you’re including and how you really want to come across.
What Does Your About Us Page Say to Prospective Customers?
It can be hard to talk about yourself, both in person and online. Sometimes, it may even feel like you’re bragging. However, it’s good to get a different perspective about writing your About Us page. People are visiting your site and researching your company in hopes of becoming a potential customer. Tell them what they need to know and want to know about who you are:- Are you showcasing the personality of your company?
- What is your company’s story?
- What’s important to you? What motivates your business?
- Is your About Us page targeting the correct audience?
- Are you including customer testimonials or case studies?
- Is there a way for people to contact you?
- Social media, newsletter sign-up, email, phone number, etc.
What Does Your About Us Page Say to Potential Employees?
People are no longer simply interviewing for a job. They’re interviewing you to see if your company is one they want to work for and one they can get behind. Prospective employees are looking for companies with shared values. If they have similar priorities and goals, they will want to work for you.As potential employees research your business, they are looking for a few things:
- Stable leadership & company history
- Established business practices & operations
- Company leadership
- Mission statement & company values
Does Your B2B About Us Page Accurately Represent Your Business?
Take a look at your current About Us page. Does it describe your company? Or does it sound almost unrecognizable? Does it need some updating? You want to make sure that your About Us page tells your company’s story and accurately represents your brand and voice.Make your About Us page work for you. Include things that convey experience and authenticity to your audience:
- Customer testimonials
- Case studies & examples
- Mission statement
- Company values
- Social media & contact info
How to Tell if Your B2B About Us Page is Converting
Now that you’re all motivated to update your About Us page, you may be wondering how you can even tell if all this work will even work. For one, the inquiries, completed forms, phone calls may be telling. If you take an authentic approach to explaining your company in a way that’s compelling and tells people they want to be involved, the results will follow. Ask people how they found your website or first heard about your company and continue improving those avenues.Include relevant keywords for your potential customers and employees. The more keywords, the more likely they will find you. If you’re stressing about how to incorporate the right words or how to summarize your company, don’t fear: a copywriter can help.
Ecreative Can Help Create an Effective About Us Page for Your B2B Website
People remember honest interactions. If you keep in mind to talk to people instead of at them and communicate authentically who you are, you will have prospective customers & employees lining up. Here’s an example of what to include on your B2B About Us page.Ecreative can help you craft the perfect, high-converting About Us page. Our professional copywriters and digital marketing specialists will interview you to gather key information about your company. Once we’ve written your About Us page, you have the opportunity to provide feedback or make any edits.
Contact us today to learn more about copywriting services and get started on creating an effective and compelling About Us page.