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Mobile Audits & Optimization

Is Your Website Mobile Friendly?

It should come as no surprise that people use mobile devices frequently throughout their day-to-day life to browse the internet or conduct searches for products and services. In fact, mobile traffic passed desktop traffic in 2015 and the number of mobile searches has only continued to grow since that time.
  • The increasing prevalence of smartphones can introduce your business to more clients, customers, and conversions.That is why it is crucial that your website content, user experience, page speeds, and website design are optimized for mobile devices.
  •  In addition, Google began crawling mobile versions of websites in 2021.  
  •  It’s time to make your user’s mobile experience a priority!

mobile-audit Optimize Across Mobile Devices for Better SEO Results

Mobile optimization is the process of adjusting your website content and design to ensure that visitors accessing your site through a smartphone have an experience customized to their mobile device. Mobile optimization ensures that your user experience is tailored to each individual device your visitors may be using. The mobile audit and optimization process will lead to better overall SEO results because of mobile-first indexing. Mobile-first indexing means that Google will now crawl and index your website based on how it renders on a mobile device instead of a desktop computer.
  • One way to ensure that websites are designed well for mobile devices is with a mobile audit. During mobile audits, the Digital Marketing team looks at how well your website performs on mobile. This can include anything from analyzing font size on small screens, compressing images, and reformatting the layout of your site to be more user-friendly on a handheld device.

Improve Your Rankings with Mobile Optimization and Audits

Contact Ecreative to get details on mobile audits and optimization. As part of our Digital Marketing Program, we perform routine exams of your website’s mobile site to ensure that it is running smoothly, efficiently, and performs well on search engines across all devices.

Yes, I Need a Mobile Friendly Website

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