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Email Marketing

Not all Email Marketing Programs are created equal. To get the best results, you need a program designed with B2B users in mind.

Improve Your Marketing with Targeted Campaigns

Ecreative provides email marketing programs for industrial B2B businesses. Our Email Marketing Functionality is installed on your website to gather information about site visitors so you can learn more about their online behavior and interests. The program then uses this data to help you send targeted, automated messages to people based on services or products of interest.
We develop strategies for your specific goals and provide the support needed to make the most of a targeted email campaign. Ecreative handles all the setup and training you will need to get started, then test your program before launch to ensure everything works properly. We can even help you create custom email templates, or copywrite you first email campaign.

Get More Out of Your Email Marketing Program

There are several email automation programs available on the market. However, not all of them offer the level of detail and reporting you need to run successful email campaigns and connect with prospective customers. Our Email Marketing Programs give you access to tools beyond just creating and sending emails, including customized campaigns and incredibly thorough metrics you need to analyze your site traffic and marketing efforts.
  • Daily email reports show you who visited your site the previous day, including who filled out contact forms. The email also includes a spreadsheet depicting all activity so you can analyze site traffic patterns.
  • A Visitor ID Interface gives you a full list of prospects with details on their site visits
  • The Contact Manager is a tool you can use to find, sort, and manage all your leads in one easily accessible place.
  • Robust reporting tools allow you to view and manipulate visitor data to display metrics based on email campaigns, website traffic, and web insights.
  • An option of over 30 drag-and-drop email templates gives you more flexibility and creativity when creating an email campaign.
  • Ability to create, schedule and coordinate Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and even blog posts using a Social Media Calendar. 
And those are just the standard features! Ecreative also offers several add-on services to help you make the most of your Email Marketing Program.

Get Started Today to Connect with More Customers and Leads

Make the most of your marketing efforts with an email automation program offered through Ecreative. Send us a quote today to learn more.

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